‘Love And Hip Hop: Atlanta’ Stars Stevie J & Joseline Hernandez Engaged?



Rumors started flying on Monday that music artist Joseline Hernandez, formally of the strip club, and her manager Stevie J are now engaged. The pair first came to the lime light with the debut of VH1’s Love and Hip Hop Atlanta this year. Over the past few episodes we have watched Joseline and Stevie J claim that their relationship is purely business while Stevie J battles it out with Mimi, his “woman”, to prove his innocence.

That seemed to work until Joseline had to abort Stevie J’s baby.

Now that the truth is out for good it seemed that the Mimi and Joseline would both leave Stevie J alone. But it looks like the only person left alone in all of this is Mimi. Joseline is not blatantly confirming or denying the rumors. However, she recently retweeted a fan’s tweet that said “Everybody sayin @MsJoseline and @hitmansteviej are engaged* …. RT if its true!” She’s also been photographed wearing a huge ring on her left ring finger.

Sounds like a confirmation to me! We’ll have to keep an eye out as the season progresses. I’m sure the producers of Love and Hip Hop aren’t going to let that juicy bit of action go by without catching it on film.

Do you think it will last? Or will Joseline just find herself in Mimi’s position next season?

This is getting interesting…. Just one question. How the side chick become your main chick?


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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