9 Things To Say To A Guy You Just Met


Times sure has changed. Women are now the bread winners of their families, CEO’s of successful businesses, innovators and trend setters but when it comes to dating many of us still expect the man to take the lead. Admit it, as women, most of us ravish in being able to provide for ourselves, be independent and make our own rules as we see fit but we still expect a man to be a man. And that includes making the first move. Our pride and fear of rejection hasn’t allowed us to overcome that obstacle just yet. After all, we choose our mates right, not the other way around.

What to say to a guy you just met
But just in case you do want to make the first move. Here are nine tips you may find handy in grabbing your guy’s attention.

At a sports bar: “What’s the most impressive goal you’ve ever scored in a game?”
Double entendre aside, ahem, dudes love to talk about sports almost as much as they love to brag. This question taps into both of those things. Whether he tells you about his high school years as the star quarterback, or surprises you with a minor league past — just know he’s already digging you, simply because you asked.

At a club: “I dare you to show me your moonwalk.”
To a guy, completing a dare is as mandatory as applying deodorant in the morning. Moonwalk, Macarena, or The Dougie — he’s going to do it. And when he makes a complete clown out of himself, you’ll be there to swoop in and save him from his two left feet. We’re guessing he’ll repay you with a round of drinks.

At a restaurant bar: “They have the best nachos here. Ever tried ’em?”
If they don’t serve nachos, choose another menu item nearly everyone has a strong opinion about, like pizza or wings. Best case? He agrees with you and you decide to share a plate. Worst case? He disagrees, you flirtatiously fight, and then you offer to buy him some — just to prove him wrong. It’s a win-win line that will have any guy eating off of your plate. Literally.

At a friend’s party: “I wanted to talk to you the second I got here, but no one introduced me. So I’m introducing myself.”
Men are attracted to confident women. He’ll think the fact you had the chutzpah to approach him is hot. Sure, some guys like to make the first move, but that doesn’t mean they’re not pleasantly surprised when a woman does the legwork.

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(photo credit: Clutch Magazine)

About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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