Unless you’ve been under a rock you must have heard something about singer Fantasia Barrino, her lover Antwaun Cook and the scorned wife Paula Cook.
Earlier this month Paula Cook filed papers in a North Carolina court suing Barrino for allegedly carrying on an affair with spouse Antwaun Cook and breaking up her marriage and . Days later, in a desperate attempt to end her pain and “allegedly” save her relationship with Mr.Cook Fantasia attempts suicide.
Now Antwaun Cook is releasing a statement of his own via his lawyer Nicole Sodoma,
“Antwaun would be remiss not to address the criticism and judgment he has received. He knew Fantasia Barrino but the failure of his marriage can in no way be blamed on anyone except the two people that were a part of the union – Paula and Antwaun. [Paula and Antwaun] expected their marriage to stand the test of time. Unfortunately, like many marriages, it did not turn out as planned. In late summer 2009, after years of discussion, the parties separated with the intention of no longer being married.”
However, according to Paula Cook’s filings, the couple separated on June 16, 2010 not the summer of 2009 as stated by Antwaun.
I’ve always tried to be diplomatic and believe that once a couple is separated, and I mean truly separated, the parties involved are free to date who they please even before a divorce finalized. However, with all the media coverage of high profile celebs who’ve chosen to date a married woman or man I have to recant my previous statement. Although I still believe couples going through a divorce are free to date who they please once a marriage fails single men and women, beware. It is probably not the best idea to date a person who is still married until after the divorce is finalized. Simply put, you do not want to be caught in the cross fire, period!
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