Jay Z Address Controversial Cuba Trip & Selling Nets On New Single “Open Letter”



It was just another day in the life of Jay Z and Beyonce when they decided to take a trip to communist country Cuba for their 5th wedding anniversary.

However, the trip took a turn for the worst when they received backlash for presumably going to the communist nation against the law. As we previously reported, United States citizens cannot visit a communist nation without getting a “cultural” license proving they have good reason to travel there.

Early in the song Jay raps, “Politicians never did s**t for me … except lie to me, distort history. Obama said chill ‘You gonna get me impeached’ … We don’t need this s**t anyway chill with me on the beach.'”

“I can turn Havana to Atlanta … ballin’ too much they try to jam you”…”I’m in Cuba, I love Cubans.This Communist talk is so confusing.”…“Wanna give me jail time and a fine/ Fine, let me commit a real crime.”

He also adrresses rumors he’s selling his shares in the Brooklyn Nets with the next line, “I still own the building/I’m still keeping my seats/Y’all buy that bulls—/ Y’all better keep your receipts”.

Guess Jay’s not selling his shares as part owner after all. Check out the full single below.

Jay Z: “Open Letter”


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. MrsGrapevine on

    This family is tired of the constant attacks, and it shows. I get that part, however these are grown, way grown people, who are fully aware of the consequences of their actions. Famous or not, there are rules when going to Cuba. Hopefully they followed them. This shouldn’t be that big of an issue if they did.

    Just last year before November he was all into politics, and all up in the Obama’s…

  2. Yazmar on

    This whole mess was blown WAY up smh

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