Kanye West Comes To Kim K’s Defense After Attacks From Racist Teen



Kanye West may be facing legal problems for coming to the rescue of fiancee, Kim Kardashian.

While entering a medical office in Beverly Hills, Monday afternoon, Kim was verbally attacked by an 18 year old man who wash already visiting the facility.

The man, who was initially attempting to help Kim enter the building, began barading her with insults when she reprimanding him for using racial slurs against photographers who swarmed the building.

According to reports, the young man began to verbally assault the photogs calling them “n*****s” and “f****ts”. Upon hearing this Kim came to their defense insisting he stop.

The man then began attacking the reality star beauty calling her “n****r lover” and proceeded to threaten her adding, “I WILL KILL YOU, SLUT.”

TMZ.com reports, Kim then called Kanye, in the midst of being attacked, and the guy then screamed into the phone calling Kanye a “n****r.”

Coming to her defense, Kanye arrived to the medical facility following the man inside and allegedly assaulted him.

The site notes, “Whatever happens … it’s not good for Kanye. He’s already facing battery charges for his LAX assault on a photog, and the L.A. City Attorney wants to use every confrontation to prove Kanye has an M.O. This isn’t going to help his cause.”

Kim has since met with a lawyer to explore what legal action she should take, if any.

Kanye, however, is now a suspect in a criminal investigation.

We’ll keep you posted.

(Photo: Kim Kardashian/Instagram)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. KiaSoto on

    i dont blame him

  2. MrsGrapevine on

    Oh Kanye & Kim, I’m actually going to defend you on this one. I want to see that’s crazy, but I can’t.

  3. He’s a fool Risking jail to defend kim’s honour. He’s going to fight everyone now?

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