Rihanna & Cliff Dixon Rumored New Couple, Dixon Denies It! (Photo)



Rihanna is now rumored to be dating Cliff Dixon. The same Cliff Dixon she was spotted with at NBA player, Kevin Durant‘s, BBQ and pool party during the 4th of July weekend.

Reports emerged that there may be more going on with these two after Dixon shared the above image with his followers, on social media, after attending the singer’s Monster tour Saturday night. He captioned the image with, “Tryna steal my pose huh? You can have it boo you look better doing it anyway.”

And back in June, Dixon also shared a photo of the singer, naming her his #WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday).


Upon sharing the above image he wrote, “She said they gonna hate no matter what, I said the PJ ready, Where you wanna go for lunch?”

But who is Cliff Dixon, many want to know. He’s said to a fellow basketball player, and Durant’s BFF, but failed to go pro.

And that isn’t the only interested factor.

Several weeks ago, Cliff also shared a photo with the singer’s recent ex and rapper Drake.



But don’t get excited just yet treat-hearts. Dixon is already attempting to dispute the rumors.

When asked by a follower whether reports he was now dating the singer, here’s what Dixon had to say below.


What do you think CK readers, is he just toying with us or could something really be going on between these two?

(Source: Twanatells.com/Instagram)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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