Amber Rose Blogs On Criticism From Media

Amber Rose's photo I went & spoke 2 young girls at an Islamic school in Ghana today about Girl Power education & not falling into the wrong lifestyle as I did as a young girl. I made a lot of mistakes in my life & they've come back to haunt me, but now I have the opportunity 2 talk to girls all over the world & to let them know that they should chose a better way & not follow in my footsteps. These girls are Awesome & it was a true blessing meeting them today they have inspired me!  #InspireGirls #GirlPower :-)                                           Amber Rose on WhoSay

After receiving, yet another, criticism for a recent trip to Ghana Amber Rose decided to take matters into her own hands addressing the media directly by blogging about the unfair treatment and double standards she has faced in the entertainment industry.

She writes,

U do something positive in this industry u get scrutinized I really came to the conclusion that its not even about me its the fact that I’m a woman. Men in the entertainment industry are praised constantly for their ” wrong doings”. if ur a drug dealer and u took care of ur family before ur fame everyone understands. If u get shot in the mist of u hustling ur cool as fuck. If a mans naked pics hit the internet ppl think its cute or funny then just talk about how big he is. A Man can date 20 models at the same time and he is respected by the world and if a girl does it she’s a disgusting whore and a “Star Fucker” Women get destroyed by the media and our peers constantly but I am writing this to specifically speak about myslf. Regardless of the fact I dated Kanye for 2 years or the fact I was a stripper at 15 years old or that my most private pics were stolen from me and a new batch hit the internet every week, I am a human being. I’m a daughter, a best friend, a great wife and a all around good person. i never speak negatively about anyone. Have I? NO. U think i don’t want to? I course I do I’m human. But I keep my life positive and I stay strong every time my ex talks about me in his songs or when these blogs tell nothing but lies about me or when ppl say that I shouldn’t be speaking to young girls in Africa. Why wouldn’t I speak to those girls? I AM West African just like them, I grew up poor just like them, most of those girls quit school to take care of their families JUST LIKE I DID. So how the hell do they not relate to my life and I theirs??? Talking to those young girls wasn’t a job for me feeding those kids wasn’t a job for me it wasn’t for publicity and I didn’t get paid to do it. I went there cuz I LOVE to help ppl. I DON’T want a pat on the back for shit that I do from my heart or even a thank u it was my blessing to go out to Ghana it is a second home for me now and it changed my life FOREVER! So don’t criticize me and say why is Kanye’s ex stripper Girlfriend in Africa I am so much more then that smh there is a reason why he loved me so much and theres a reason why Wiz loves me so much now did u ever think maybe I’m just a sweet person? Every girl reading this has an ex boyfriend and every guy reading this is most likely dating a girl that has been with more then 1 guy. So what have I done to everyone? Its it because u think I am undeserving of this life because of my past? Or is it pure hatred? If I was a man and dated 2 female artist would that be ok? Thats not as bad right? Bullshit. And the one thing that is extremely upsetting is the fact that woman criticize me more then men do. Look at yourselves before u criticize someone u don’t know Look at the mistakes you’ve made in ur life. ppl are so negative it’s ridiculous But I will continue to be positive, Loving and all about women empowerment and to my Rosebuds I know u guys get it and I LOOOOVE u so much for supporting me through all of this nonsense.

Thank u -Amb

Although, I agree with all she had to say, perhaps its better that Ms. Rose stop addressing the media. Her words are always taken out of context and no matter the response, whether sinere or not her haters will still hate and the naysayers will still have plenty to say. Sometimes by not addressing the rumors you no longer give it life.

And although I am sympathetic to her need to clear the air it is not worth her time and  sanity. Some people love to bring others down. They would love, if nothing else, to see her crumble. If she is trying to teach others, especially young girls, from her own mistakes then I say great job. But Amber may need to take a step back from the sexy vixen she portrays with each magazine cover. You can’t have it both ways. Just a thought. Needless to say she is trying to bring more positivity and hope among young women who are lost just like she was once lost. Who else better to teach than someone with experience? I can’t be mad at that, can you?



About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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