Topic of the Day: Cheating Mates


Cheating mates is a common reason why couples break up every day. It is a complicated topic that can bring pain and heartache in a relationship.

I posed the question, what should you do when you suspect your spouse is cheating but can’t prove it. My answer? Nine times out of ten when your intuition is telling you your mate is cheating, he/she probably is! Unless you are insecure, suspicious, jealous or something along those lines, trust what your gut is telling you.

For some people, I know, this is a hard pill to swallow and not evident enough to end a relationship. Even people who have caught their mates cheating find it hard to end a relationship due to family commitments, time invested in the relationship, financial dependency on the other person, or simply familiarity. It’s hard to walk into the unknown.

You’ve got to ask yourself, am I happy in this relationship? Am I fulfilled? Am I appreciated? Am I loved? Are they willing to compromise so both our needs are met?

If you’ve answered no to most or all of these questions, chances are this is not a relationship you ought to stay in. This is not the person you should spent the rest of your life with.Why would you want to waste your time in a relationship such as this? As hard as it’ll be, yes you can start over. Yes, you can make it on your own. Yes, your life doesn’t end if this person isn’t in it. And yes, you will find love again! After all, life too short; something you should take into account when making life altering decisions. Staying in an unhealthy relationship is a life altering decision.

Do what is best for you and what will truly make you happy.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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