By Her Own Rules, (formerly celebrity, pop culture, and entertainment news site is a lifestyle platform that aims to amplify the female voice, especially the Black female voice. We serve to educate, entertain, and inspire millennial women; personally + professionally by providing valuable information and resources.
We provide lifestyle news, tips on enhancing your career and business, fashion and beauty, health and wellness, and dating and relationships.
We reserve all rights to material published on this site and believe that images and news circulating the web are of the public domain. Therefore, images may be taken from other sites and or companies.
We, however, reserve all rights to their respective parties. If, for any reason, there are materials published on this site being used against the party’s wishes, please contact us and we will gladly remove such items. We hope you enjoy this site, blog about it, comment, and provide any feedback on what you would like to see added.
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