Atlanta Housewife NeNe Leakes Has A Bone To Pick With Kandi Burruss



Following the latest episode of ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’, Nene Leakes and Kandi Burruss are at odds again. Their feud began a few seasons back when the two women got into a verbal altercation when NeNe learned she would not be included in recording a single with Kim Zolciak. Although they’ve tried to be cordial towards each other it’s clear their friendship is totally genuine. On the recent episode Kandi tells Cynthia Bailey she believes NeNe befriend people can gain something from. Once NeNe say the episode she took to her Bravo TV Blog to give Kandi a piece of her mind. Here’s what she had to say.

I’m choosing to be silent about most of this episode, because there’s a few things about NeNe that you might already know, but I’ll tell you anyway. I’m very loyal to those that are loyal to me, I will keep it real with you because there’s no reason to lie, I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I can honestly tell you that I wake up every morning with my heart in the right place and that is why I always land on my feet!

There are things that were shown in this episode that I don’t agree with. Kandi speaks negatively about me once again: lies can sometimes be damaging! Kandi has no idea who my friends are other than Cynthia, what business relationships I have, and to be honest, she doesn’t even know me that well. It’s simply human nature for two people to meet one another and not really click, but let’s not speak about things we truly have no knowledge of! Kandi can’t name one person I’ve ever befriended for a reason, because there are none. I’m the type of lady that doesn’t look for friendship. If one develops, then I welcome it. Kandi loves to say she’s been in the business for 19 years and has accomplished so much. I wonder why I didn’t befriend her. Kim befriended her for a song! Maybe I should have befriended her so I could walk around all day with balls stuck in my vagina!

– Nene Leakes (Bravo TV RHOA Blog)

After reading NeNe’s blog post Kandi provided a response of her own,

OK so let’s talk about the drama stuff that I can’t seem to avoid. First, my comments about NeNe. All of NeNe’s fans were mad at me. They were saying I’m jealous, I’m two-faced, I’m hating, etc. LOL! Whatever! I am not jealous of NeNe at all. I’m very happy for her success. I’m definitely not two-faced, because I have been very honest about my feelings towards NeNe all along. Clearly NeNe knows how I feel, because you heard Cynthia say that, “NeNe doesn’t understand why you don’t like her.” I think it’s a bit much to say that I don’t like her, because I don’t have any dislike for her. I just think that I’m very guarded when it comes to her.

I hate to even blog about this, because I’m sure it will do nothing but cause more drama, but I’ll try to give you some insight on where I’m coming from. I think she plays the women of this show just like chess. I’m an observer. I just sit back and watch. When people think I’m not paying attention, I am. NeNe is a smart woman and she plays a game to benefit her at all times. There’s nothing wrong with that. I find it funny how over the years she’ll dog somebody out for doing the same exact thing she has already done or said, as if she has never done or said it. And then everyone starts siding with her as if they don’t remember the bullsh– she did or said.

It frustrates me when I get people tweeting me asking, “Why do you feel that way about NeNe?” I’m like, did you just start watching RHOA or something? She’s been making snide remarks about me since I first came on the show. I’m one of those people that if we start off on the wrong foot, then you’ve pretty much set the tone for how it’s going to be, and clearly she and I started on the wrong foot. I try to be cool, because we are in the same circle. I know that we’re going to be around each other a lot, so I’m always cordial. Overall I respect NeNe, I just don’t deal with her too much.

Anyway with all that said, when I made the comment about her having motives when she befriends people, well, that’s how I feel. I’ve come to that conclusion over the years. Example: when she first heard about Marlo coming around, she was highly upset. I saw it with my own eyes. She was pissed. It had been in the blogs about her possibly dating Charles Grant (Marlo’s ex-boyfriend), which was something NeNe always denied. I guess she felt someone was trying to be messy by bringing Marlo around, and I understood why she could feel that way. Anyway NeNe went from being highly pissed to befriending Marlo overnight. It was clear she didn’t want that Charles situation brought up. So befriending Marlo would definitely stop any drama before it starts. Smart move. As I said, she plays chess with these women. I could add more examples, but no need. You should get my point. I actually felt like at some point she and I were getting along a lot better. You’ll have to keep watching to see it.

– Kandi Burruss

Honestly, Kandi has a point. I can’t say NeNe Leakes has motive for befriending people but she’s a shark in a shark tank and all the little fishes around either side with her or stare clear of her. If you’ve watched ‘RHOA’ from the very beginning then you’ll know—although she’s very funny at times – she makes smart remarks about people, especially those she doesn’t like. She’s also known to hit below the belt and can cut you with her words. I’m also happy for NeNe’s success but I can agree she’s still not the kind of woman (she projects on television) I’d befriend. Her mouth-piece is a dragon slayer. Would anyone else care to agree? Therefore, I totally agree with Kandi on this one.

What are your thoughts?


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. Mzchifab on

    Balls in the vagina lmao classic!

  2. djdoleak on

    Nene going in. S.R.

  3. treypeezy on

    hot mess at it’s finest -TP of OceanviewBLVD

  4. Pingback: Morning Links: Rihanna Wants Time Off To Have A Baby With Chris Brown?

  5. Hilarious!!! reblog…lol

  6. Yes! That was a bit funny I cant lie.

  7. epik on

    These bitches get paid for this lolol.

  8. sassy24 on

    What’s the problem, I mean are any of these ladies truly friends?

  9. Pingback: NeNe Leakes Bashes ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ Cast Members! |

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