Amber Rose Wants To Marry & Have Wiz Khalifa’s Babies


Wiz Khalifa & Amber Rose 2011 BET Awards Green Carpet Arrivals

Amber Rose visited the office of Global Grind recently and discussed her plans to wed current beau rapper Wiz Khalifa and have babies together.

“I want to be a mom really bad. I really want babies. I’ll be 28 in October and my maternal instinct is ready,” the model told Global Grind exclusively.”

She was ten asked if Wiz would be the father, she stated, “Yeah absolutely!”

When asked if the couple [Amber and Wiz] plan to marry Rose stated,

“We’re definitely going to get married and have babies. Not right now because we’re still busy and we still want to enjoy each other first. We want to go on vacation, travel and just enjoy each other company, but he’s definitely the one. We’re definitely going to lay it down and get it done.”

On Addressing Rumors

“Worst thing I read about myself, are the countless rumors that are just made up off the top of someone’s head. They don’t care about my life or my livelihood. They were just like ‘Oh there’s nothing going on in the world, let’s make up something about Amber, post it and everyone in the world believed it.'”

On All the Attention She Gets

“I do not like attention at all. I don’t like to be out there. It seems like that because the paparazzi follows me and I’ll get photographed, but I’m always kind of like really low key and they just catch me. I always try to go another way so I’m not bothered or out there. I’m really shy.”

Only time will tell as to whether these two get married, have babies, or even have a lasting relationship. But one thing’s for sure, they’re really into each other. If you follow either on twitter you won’t be surprised to witness cute affectionate exchanges, pet names or an image or two of the pair.

Whether they make it or yet not, you can’t deny, love is a beautiful thing.  Best wishes xoxo…



About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. PETRA on

    Yeah, the way she is dressed in that pic (and countless less mild other ones)really screams “shy” and unattention-seeking *rolls eyes*

  2. I pretty much said the same thing when I read that statement! Funny. I like Amber but either she’s really delusional or just playing dumb! She must know that if she walks around naked or tongue down her boyfriend on the re carpet that’s gonna garner A LOT of attenton. Lol

  3. PETRA on

    Exactly LOL

  4. Pingback: Cotten Kandi | It's Not Just Entertainment It's A Lifestyle, "Treat Your Sweet Tooth… " ™ » Blog Archive » Amber Rose Talks Acting, Her Image, Wiz & Babies In Interview

  5. Pingback: Cotten Kandi | It's Not Just Entertainment It's A Lifestyle, "Treat Your Sweet Tooth… " ™ » Blog Archive » Wiz Khalifa & Amber Rose Are Engaged!

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