Are We Loving It? Heidi Klum In Polka Dot Mini Dress


Heidi Klum was recently spotted wearing a very cute body hugging slim fit Dolce & Gabbana polka-dot mini dress. from her very own collection.

The model attended a lighting ceremony in honor of bone marrow donors at the Empire State Building in New York City. As spokeswoman for the DKMS organization, Klum spoke on the center’s campaign to fight against blood cancer.

Heidi Klum In Polka Dot Mini Dress

Heidi Klum In Polka Dot Mini Dress 2

Heidi Klum In Polka Dot Mini Dress 3

Those shoes, I love them! They’re a pair of snakeskin Louboutins.

Heidi Klum In Polka Dot Mini Dress 4

The 38 year old model and mother of four (can you believe that?!) was also seen atop the a Empire State Building having a bit of fun.

She looks so good I just hate her!

What are your thoughts? Are we loving Klum’s polka-dot look?

Heidi Klum In Polka-Dot Mini Dress free polls 

(Photos: FameFlyne/Getty Images)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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