After watching her basketball player husband, Shannon Brown (Pheonix Suns), drop 26 points in his game against The Charlotte Bobcats Wednesday night, Monica decided to allow her Twitter followers to ask her a few questions in a Twitterview using the hashtag #AskMo.
She tweeted, “While Baby watches film lets have an #AskMo Session… U ask I answer. People think they know but have no idea. Get it from my mouth LOL”
Here are some questions the fans asked and Mo’s answers. She even answered in fan in regard her rumored beef with fellow songstress Keyshia Cole. Continue reading to find out what she had to say.
Fan: when u got married the best feeling?
Mo: YES we didn’t have reservations or hesitations
Fan: Does SB still give you butterflies?
Mo: Yessssssssssssss
Fan: do u think all men cheat? Like a lot of women say
Mo: Hell No do all women? thats a cop out #FindTheRight1
And on her relationship with best-friend Keyshia Cole and their rumored beef.
Fan: what happen between you and keyshia cole?
Mo: Not at thing… we never had an argument.. Love her always
There you have it folks. Check out more questions and answer’s from Monica’s Twitterview below.
Fan: where do u keep your awards?
Mo: I usually give them to my mom. She’s everything to me
Fan: if one of your boys asked you to give up fame would you?
Mo: In a heartbeat.. their happiness is 1st
Fan: do Rocko Romelo act like you or big Rocko?
Mo: Lil Rocko acts like his dad & Romelo is outspoken like me
Fan: Do you think its harder raising boys versus girls?
Mo: In the world we live in its equally a challenge
Fan: What artist would you really like to work with that would surprise your fans ???!!!
Mo: Pink Love her
Fan: who is your favorite rapper?
Mo: Jay z
Fan: When you won the Grammy did you Brandy both get one or is it shared
Mo: We both got one
Fan: do u still see your ex that took his life daughter?
Mo: He took his own life not hers. shes a great girl
Fan: what will you be most proud of when you look back at your life years from now?
Mo: Being dedicated to fam
Fan: Which brand would you love to be the face of?
Mo: Neutrogena or Cover Girl
Fan: what ever happened to those kids u use to take care of from the boyfriend that committed suicide
Mo: Theyre adults
Fan: What can we expect from the new album?
Mo: Me blending new sounds with a soulful feel.. of course real stories
Fan: did you know Aaliyah?
Mo: Very well, i loved baby girl. real, sweet, quiet but again real !!!
Fan: What’s your secret wish??
Mo: It came true recently S/O to my hubby
Fan: what type of charity work do you like to get involved in…
Mo: I love Make A Wish & feeding america
Fan: do u have any regrets with ur life? U r an inspiration n a
Mo: I dont!! the valleys make u appreciate the peaks
Fan: if you had any mutant power what would it be & y?
Mo: Wish i could zap a person & they no longer lie
Fan: I miss the show you had on BET .. why wasn’t there another season ?
Mo: I decided not to do it being a newlywed
Fan: what u think about Tiny’s show tiny tonight?
Mo: Im so proud of her, love that shes ALWAYS herself
Fan: growing up, what type of music did you listen to?
Mo: Gospel
Fan: what got you through the heartache and failures? Feeling it now..
Mo: My faith & family i also got into the word/bible
Fan: You don’t ever plan on acting again, do you?
Mo: I do just HAS tO be the right part
Fan: can u and @kmichelle do a song together for y’all new albums!
Mo: Absolutely
Fan: what is one of your favorite moments in your career?
Mo: Winning the grammy with brandy
Fan: Have You Ever Cried Performing One Of Your Songs ?
Mo: Happens more when i song Whitney’s songs
Fan: did you and Hubby Shannon go on a honeymoon? If so where??
Mo: Yes Two! Anguilla & Turks and Caicos
Fan: do you plan on extending your family anytime soon?
Mo: Yes
Fan: were u nervous or excited your first concert
Mo: Excited.never started getting nervous until i was grown
Fan: how tall are u?? I’m 5’5 on a good day I’m 5’5 and a half
Mo: Im 5’8 without heel maybe 6ft with
Fan: Do u want any more Kids Mybe a LiL girl ?
Mo: Yes we want two more boys or girls just healthy
Fan: what would you be doing if you weren’t singing
Mo: I would own salons and do hair or Forensic Science
Fan: if you had a daughter, what would you name her?!
Mo: Shannon has already said hes naming her lol
Fan: what happened to Megan Rochelle?
Mo: I dont know. i wish everyone the best
Fan: what is your fav moment as a wife/mother
Mo: I have had so many. one was my son giving me away
Fan: what’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned?
Mo: Not to let others tell u who or what u should be!
Fan: which of your albums is your favorite?
Mo: The first Miss Thang No politics and bs just music back then
Fan: you think the world ending tomorrow? (Dec. 21st 2012)
Mo: No.
Fan: what’s the best part about being married
Mo: Being committed, the love & love making is next level
Fan: How was your experience playing a role on Living Single
Mo: I was 14 i was in shock and excited #StillThankful
Fan: did you attend college?
Mo: I didnt not even after i was accepted into a few… #IWasYoung graduated at 16 I shouldve
Fan: it true what ther sayin bout ashanti n nelly
Mo: I have no clue, im really big on minding my buissinessis
Fan: Did you marry Rocko?
Mo: We never legally.. 10 yrs same home common law i assume that was!!
Fan: I Love How You Make Time For Your Hubby, Kids And Career. Does It Get Hard Balancing It All Out?
Mo: No family 1st
Fan: when u comin out with a new album #AskMo ?!
Mo: Next year 4th quarter, don’t wanna rush it want it to be right
Fan: what’s your guilty pleasure?
Mo: Purses and soul food lol
Fan: was @shannonbrown single when you started dating him?
Mo: TOTALLY!! after all i experienced i would NEVER..
Fan: what r the BEST 3 things that have happened in life
Mo: Meeting my soulmate, having kids & the gift to sing/career
Fan: is there something that you’ve always wanted to do and haven’t yet?
Mo: Learn to swim!! seriously
Fan: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Mo: I LOVE spending time with my childrenmovies & baking
Fan: What do you love the most about @ShannonBrown ???
Mo: His humility & dedication to me & the kids
Fan: what’s your favorite song out right now?
Mo: R and B Trust and Believe KC RT @Rare_Breed30: @MonicaBrown what’s your favorite song out right now?
Fan: what’s your favorite song out right now?
Mo: Say what u want but @trinidadjames LOL #Dontjudgeme
Fan: will u b performing at the essence fest this year? Please say yes
Mo: Awww i love Essence but im not booked yet
Fan: Do you live in Phoenix now?
Mo: Yes i do
now she knows shannon is a cheater
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I love Monica! I love Keyshia Cole also!!! great answers she gave her fans