‘Basketball Wives’ Star Tami Roman Suffers “Mild” Heart Attack


Twitcon Tami Roman

Tami Roman of Vh1 hit reality show ‘Basketball Wives’ has suffered a mild heart attack Tuesday afternoon. She was immediately rushed to a NY hospital but was later released.

According to an official press release via Roman’s publicist,


NYC, New York- Last night, Tami Roman was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for a medical emergency. She has since been released and would like to let her fans and supporters know she is doing fine and looks forward to resuming her scheduled engagements. She will also be back on Twitter communicating with her followers shortly.

No long after, in fact, she sent out several tweets thanking her fans for their get well wishes and that she’s recovering nicely. She tweeted, “Thx 2every1 for the get well wishes. Never thought I’d have a mild heart attack at 41. God has a way of bringing things into perspective. Finally going home 2my kids-heart meds and all.”

She adds she’ll be off twitter for a while and even thanked her ‘Basketball Wives’ cast for their well wishes, although we know she doesn’t much care for a few of them. In typical Tami fashion she also added, “Thk U all 4 loving me- I’ll b back bitching soon LOL.”

Some people will never learn I suppose. Get well Tami!

In case you were wondering, what is a “mild heart attack,” you ask?

In a nutshell, a mild heart attack is a heart attack that causes almost no structural damage to the heart. Some people suffer multiple mild heart attacks without even knowing it. While these types of “silent” heart attacks can lead to possible heart failure in the future, not all mild heart attacks will lead to heart failure or cardiac arrest.

The classic symptom of a heart attack is pain that starts in the chest and radiates down the arm. Some patients might experience pain that radiates to the neck or jaw. The pain can be sharp, dull, a tightness in the chest, or crushing sensation in the chest. The pain can also be accompanied by shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

Chest pain that doesn’t radiate down the arm can also be indicative of other conditions such as gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), also known as acid reflux or heartburn. Not all patients have arm pain during a heart attack.

Symptoms of mild heart attacks can range from none to acute chest pain that sends you rushing to the emergency room. Panic attacks can mimic a mild heart attack. So, even if you’re having a panic attack, the ER doctor will rule out a heart attack by drawing your blood and taking an EKG reading of your heart, in addition to taking your vital signs and other diagnostic tests.

Risk factors include family history of heart disease, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, drinking, drug abuse, gossiping, and a sedentary lifestyle (sitting on your butt all day in front of a computer or TV).

The best way to prevent a heart attack is to avoid the major risk factors. Exercise and eating a well-balanced diet will also keep your heart healthy.

Any medical information published on this blog is for your general information only and is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice. You should not take any action before consulting with your personal physician or a health care provider. Sandrarose.com and its affiliates cannot be held liable for any damages incurred by following advice found on this blog

LOL, at “gossiping”.

Shout out to SandraRose.com for that medical minute.
(Source: vh1.com/sandrarose.com)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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