Beyonce “Life Is But A Dream” HBO Documentary (Full Video)


If you missed Saturday night’s HBO documentary, ‘Life Is But A Dream’, about super star Beyonce Knowles, shame on you. After a revealing sit down with Oprah on ‘Next chapter’, the singer has managed to get people to fall in love with her all over again. While she’s adored for the fierce entertainer she is she is even more respected following her documentary. The singer showed so much depth and humility while allowing the cameras to come into the most personal part of her life as a wife, mother and every day human being. Could it be, Beyonce is just like you and me at the end of the day?

We see Beyonce document her journey as a performer, she speaks on the painful break up with her dad as her manager, her pregnancy and even a sweet moment between her and husband Jay Z as they sing to each other during a romantic dinner. She talks being blessed and reveal thirteen months old Blue Ivy to the world for the first time. During this time, she also shares an intimate moment with her daughter as she cradles her and spend quality time with family.

Check out her interview and video below.

On the biggest reason she wanted to manage herself
At some point you need your support system. You need your family. You’re trying to have an everyday convo with your parents, and you have to talk about schedules. I needed boundaries. And I think my dad needed boundaries. I needed a break. I needed my DAD.

My father taught me so much about being in this business. Business and being polite…it doesn’t match. You can be fair. But me being polite wasn’t me being fair to myself. Now I’m learning how political things are. A lot of the crazy things my father did were necessary.

On if she got her relationship with her dad back
No. It was hard. I had to sacrifice my relationship with my dad. It was a stressful, sad difficult time. But I had to let go.

On Blue Ivy’s name
We passed by a beautiful blue tree [overseas]. I think it’s blue ivy. That would be quite appropriate.

On feeling Blue kick for the first time
I felt the baby kick for the first time. It kicked 5 times! I been waiting for that moment. Hopefully it’ll do it again so Jay can feel it.

On bringing Daniel Sr. (Julez’s dad) to Paris with them last year
This is the time when your memories really stick with you for the rest of your life. I wanted to give Julez the memory with his dad. I know how important that is.

On hiding her pregnancy
There’s no words that can express having a baby growing inside of you. But you have to make sure everything is ok. So I had to hide the best thing in my life. I was scared to make plans, but I went to the doctor who said ‘Listen, you have to let it go. You’re healthy and if this baby is supposed to be here, the baby is going to be here. Go do everything you’ve been doing and everything will be fine.’

On getting frustrated
Sometimes I think, should I just retire? All I need is NOT me. I can’t do it by myself.

On connecting with Jay
We connected on a spiritual level. It’s just a coincidence that he’s also an artist. Hes taught me so much about being an artist. I, like a lot of women, give up so much. But he doesn’t….Having this baby made me love him more than I ever thought was possible. It’s every woman’s dream to feel this way about someone.

On her miscarriage
Two years ago I was pregnant for the first time. I heard the heartbeat. Something happens when you hear the heartbeat. You truly know there’s life inside you. I picked out names. I envisioned what my child looked like. I was feeling very maternal. my family was so excited. I flew back ot NY to get my checkup. And no heartbeat. Literally the week before I went to the doctor and everything was fine. but there was no heartbeat. I went into the studio and wrote the saddest song I ever written in my life, admit was the first song I wrote for my album.

On giving birth
I felt like God was giving me the chance to assist in a miracle. There’s something so relieving about life taking over you like that. You’re playing a part in a much bigger show. And that’s what life is….the greatest show on earth. My baby was born out of a conflict in my life. And that conflict had to be settled.

On ended up with a blessed life
My grandmother used to light candles all the time in the church to pray for my mother. I am a result of my grandmother’s prayers. My grandmother prayed for me. My mother prays for me. God is real. And God lives inside of me. It doesn’t matter where I am. I feel it. Like right now, I’m hot. It’s inside of me.

Check the interview and intimate moments with daughter baby Blue Ivy.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. NicolaGossips on

    I found the whole documentary self-serving and fake.

  2. yazmar on

    Beyonce overload for real…lol I didn’t watch it

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