Beyonce Says She “Struggled To Keep Pregnancy A Secret”


Beyonce Live At Roseland Elements of 4 Screening

During  the screening of her new concert DVD, Beyonce: ‘Live At Roseland‘, on Sunday, Beyonce, 30, revealed struggling with keeping her pregnancy a secret. In fact,  she was convinced people already knew.

Before announcing her pregnancy on the VMA’s red carpet back in August, the singer had held a number of performances at Roseland Ballroom in New York. Although she wore a loose fitting dress, she feared the entire audience could tell she was expecting. She says,

“The whole time I definitely was thinking, ‘Everyone knows, everyone can see.’ When you’re pregnant, it’s a little bit harder to breathe, so it was hard doing all the choreography and singing at the same time.”

Along with several performances of songs from platinum selling album ‘4’, the DVD also features some behind-the-scenes moments, an interview with the singer, and intimate moments with her family.

“I’ve always done video diaries. I don’t Tweet, but it’s still important people get a sense of who I am,” she explained.

On whether her child will one day watch the DVD she adds,

“Well, there’s a lot about my life. [The baby] can say, ‘I can’t believe I was in that belly’.”

(Photo: Daily Mail)

About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. I feel her pain. I struggle everyday not to look like I’m pregnant too. LOL I just need to do some crunches.

  2. Lol, girl I could do a few crunches myself! You’re too funny. Lol

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