Bobby Brown On Leaving Whitney’s Funeral “I Felt Disrespected”


In part 2 of Matt Lauer‘s exclusive interview with Bobby Brown, he dishes on what happened the day of Whitney’s funeral that caused him to leave early. He speaks on trying to contact Whitney’s mom Cissy Houston and how daughter Bobbi Kristina is coping. Three of his children from other relationship as well as his fiancee also joined in the interview to defend Brown’s image and provide their own thoughts on the matter.

Bobby Brown Speaks To Matt Lauer Part 2

On attending Whitney’s funeral but leaving after an altercation with security Bobby says, “They [Houston Family] definitely wanted me there. It wasn’t that I wasn’t invited, I was invited, so just coming to pay respects for my ex-wife they would not hold me from, that’s not the kind of family the Houston family is. Their a great family and I appreciate them very much.”

“Whoever the security was that was there asked that I have, what they called “my entourage”, which was my children, sit somewhere else. We had to sit apart and I was not willing to sit away from my children so after the third time them coming to me I felt a little disrespected by the security that was there. I decided that it would be best if I just left, I kissed the casket and me and my children left the building.”

On whether he feels Cissy Houston is not willing to speak to him after unsuccessfully being able to contact her, “I wouldn’t say that. I know she’s going through it deeply deeply going through it. She lost her only daughter. I’m here anytime she wants to talk. I’m here.”

Although he admits to having a cocktail from time to time, on being sober Brown says, ” I am 7 years clean from narcotics. I’m living the life I want to live.”

And on his doubters and whether he may also come to an early demise from drug and alcohol abuse he says, “They can doubt all they want….they got the wrong one, the wrong one”.

On Bobbi Kristina and rumors she’s on drugs and dating her adopted brother Nick Gordon he says, “She’s a strong girl. Her mom taught her well. I think we raised her really well. She’s fine. She knows that her mom is gone and she knows that she has to live…I think people make assumptions of what my daughter is and how strong she is. People tend to want to control strong willed people. That’s what I see…. I am her father she talks to me about everything.”

“She’s a young lady so I would expect her to have a boyfriend….Nick’s a good kid. I have nothing against Nick,” though he also admits Bobbi Kristina has confessed to him Nick is not her boyfriend but he cannot confirm or deny that they are dating.

For more on the interview watch below.

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About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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