Brandy Gets Engaged For The Holidays!



Brandy is now engaged to her music executive boyfriend Ryan Press. The couple, who’ve dated for over a year, became engaged over the Christmas holiday and the singer is reportedly thrilled.

Earlier in the year Brandy did an interview with Sister2Sister magazine where she discussed a possible engagement. She says, “I keep hearing about a ring. People keep calling me, hinting to me about it, but I don’t know,” she told the magazine in August. “I’m going to be patient and let it happen and just let it be. . . I guess it will happen when it’s the right time,” reports Us magazine.

She also did an interview with the Wendy Show back in October where she discussed the desire to be married and felt it was unchristian of her and Press to be living together unwed. Guess she finally got her wish.

Although Brandy was reportedly married to Robert Smith, the father of her 10 year old daughter Sy’rai back in 2002, this will be the singer’s first actual marriage. She was also briefly married to basketball player Quintin Richardson when they dated back in 2004.

Congrats Brandy! We can’t wait to see the ring.

(Photo: Brandy/Instagram)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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