Celebrities Attend NBA All Star Weekend In Houston, Diddy, Chris Brown, Monica, Shannon Brown & More


Celebrities flocked to Houston, TX this weekend to kick off the 2013 NBA All Star Weekend festivities. From Singer Monica, who was a fashion correspondent, to her hubby Shannon Brown, Queen Latifah, Chris Brown, Diddy, Drake, French Montana and Trey Songz.


Monica and Queen Latifah. Latifah served as head coach for the east in this year’s Celebrity All-Star Basketball Game.

Shannon Brown posed with fellow NBA player Russell Westbrook who served as coach for the West.

The husband and wife posing together.

Kevin Hart even won MVP two years in a row at the 2013 Celebrity All-Star Basketball Game.


Diddy, French Montana, Drake and Trey Songz were all in Dream night club making it rain.


Chris+Brown+Perform+Club+Stereo+All+Star+Weekend+HoustonChris Brown was also in town to perform at Stereo nightclub.

Check out more of photos in our gallery.

(Photos: Instagram)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. Annemarie on

    Nice pics! Look forward to seeing more!

  2. Yazmar on

    Queen Latifah has lost a lot of weight. Good for her!

  3. Has Queen Latifah had some work done? It looks like she has….

  4. monkeysuit on

    The NBA All Star Weekend continues to grow into this big celebrity event every year. The NBA has done a good job of marketing it as not only an All Star game but an entire weekend.

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