Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson Arrested For Assaulting Wife Evelyn Lozada, Bond Hearing Goes Viral



Wow! Well this bit of news wasn’t to be expected. Reality newlyweds Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson and Evelyn Lozada may already have trouble in paradise.

Married less than two months, Johnson was arrested for head-butting his wife after a very heated argument Saturday night.

According to reports, the heated argument began after the couple returned home from having dinner earlier in the evening. When Evelyn discovered a receipt for a box of condoms she confronted her husband. While she alleges he leaned over and head-butted her, he insists, she leaned towards him and that they butted heads. Once cops arrived to their Davie, FL home she had lacerations on her forehead, resulting in Chad’s arrest just before midnight.

It’s not clear whether VH1 camera’s were able to capture the incident while filming for their upcoming reality show, ‘Ev and Ocho’.

Take a look at his mug-shot below.


Here’s the couple in happier times. Ev And Ocho’s new reality show is set to premiere sometime this September. Check out a preview of the couple’s wedding photos.






Here’s Johnson’s live bond hearing Sunday morning.

Just to note, this isn’t Chad’s first run in with a domestic violence case. He was arrested for a domestic dispute back in college.

So unfortunate!


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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