Chris Brown And Drake Sued For $16 Million Over Bottle Throwing Fiasco!



Chris Brown
and Drake may be shelling $16 million for their W.I.P nightclub bottle throwing brawl this past June. The owner of Greenhouse/W.I.P is suing the artists, claiming they ordered their entourage to throw bottles of champagne, resulting in the June 14th club brawl.

The SoHo club has already incurred over $4 million dollars in losses, possibly more, also garnering a bad reputation following the event. In the aftermath, it was also ordered to close temporarily and was allowed to re-open only after paying a fine and agreeing to hire more security.

NBA player Tony Parker, who attended the club that night, also sued the club for $20 million dollars. Parker suffered an injury to his eye as a result of the uncontrollable brawl. In his lawsuit Parker noted, “I could have lost an eye.”

His case is still pending.

The lawsuit claims both Brown and Drake arrived at Greenhouse’s sister club, W.i.P., with an entourage of “at least 15 heavily built men trained and/or experienced in hand-to-hand and weapons combat.”

The musicians’ beef is rumored to be over pop singer and both their exes Rihanna. Although Brown initially went on a Twitter rant about the fellow musician and even released a diss record, Drake has remained pretty mum about the entire ordeal. Brown’s tweets were later deleted within an hour of tweeting them.

Nearly two dozen club attendees were injured in the brawl. Ironically, with the exception of one woman, no one else has come forward to sue.

It’ll be interesting to see whether the owners of the nightclub can prove that Chris Brown and Drake had been the case of the uproar. With an overcrowded club, dim lighting, and lots of alcohol to go around, anyone could have started it. Furthermore, didn’t they know the two artists were rivals? It had been rumored since 2009 that the two didn’t like each other following Rihanna and Drake’s brief courtship.

What are your thoughts, is the owners of Greenhouse/W.I.P nightclub right in filing their lawsuit?


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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