Chris Brown & Frank Ocean Studio Brawl



Chris Brown and Frank Ocean are at it again. The two singers were involved in a late night fight in the parking lot of a Los Angeles studio. It’s no secret the two aren’t exactly friends stemming from Brown’s feud with Ocean’s label mate and friend Tyler the Creator. And last July Brown had to defend himself over comments he made that were perceived as gay bashingtowards Ocean.

According to TMZ, Chris Brown was involved in an all-out brawl with Frank Ocean Sunday night, and sources connected with Chris insist Ocean started it.

Chris was at Westlake Studio in the L.A. area listening to one of the artists he represents. The sources say as Chris went to leave, Frank Ocean and his crew blocked Chris from leaving. The sources say Frank said, “This is my studio, this is my parking spot.”

We’re told Chris went to shake Frank’s hand … and that’s when one of Frank’s people attacked Chris. Sources connected with Chris say one of Chris’ friends jumped in front and hit Frank’s friend.

Sources connected with Chris say Frank then came at Chris … Chris pushed him away and they started brawling.

The police were then called to the scene. Upon arrival although Chris was not there Police did speak with Frank Ocean and cleared the scene. Frank told police the fight erupted over a parking space and Chris punched him.

Although no parties want to press charges cops do intend to continue with the investigation and speak with Brown. Cops discovered there were six other parties involved, however, no arrests were made.

Frank has since tweeted about the incident, “got jumped by chris and a couple guys. lol. i only wish everest [his dog] was there…cut my finger now I can’t play w two hands at the grammys.”

And Chris posted this below photo of himself and a few artists on his label, CBE, including fellow singer Mario.


He wrote , “Working on my album. Not working on negativity. Focus on feeding ya family. Bullshit will forever be in the shadows.”

Can Chris Brown live? We really hope he makes it to 2014 with no arrests and his parole will be over. This guy can’t catch a break. Always at the wrong place at the wrong time. Clearly he needs new people around him.

These two are too talented with too much going on for this ignorance. Get it together guys!

(Source: TMZ/Twitter)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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