Chris Brown Released From Jail Early



Chris Brown is a free man this morning. The singer has been released from jail following his sentencing of 131 days behind bars back in May.

Brown was released early around midnight after serving a total of 108 days in jail stemming from his probation violation being kicked out of rehab earlier this year and his pending DC assault case from last October.
TMZ reports…

Despite being sentenced on May 9 to 131 days in jail, Brown was sprung around midnight after serving 108 days.

Breezy was actually sentenced to a year behind bars, but got credit for 116 days he spent in rehab, and another 59 days behind bars.

Brown was thrown back behind bars because a judge ruled that Brown had violated his probation in the Rihanna case. He could have been sentenced to as much as four years.

Brown still has his D.C. assault trial looming. That should begin in the next few months.

Fortunately for this singer, there are reports the singer and the assault victim could be close to a plea deal which may eliminate the need for a trial and the misdemeanor being dropped.

As for what the singer has to say upon being released, he tweeted the following message early Monday morning, “Humbled and Blessed.”

Congrats Breezy!



About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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