Chris Brown Talks Rihanna Collaboration, Choosing Rihanna or Karrueche, Drake, Jay Z & More With Power 106 Part 3 Interview (Videos)



In his part 3 interview with Power 106 Big Boy’s Neighborhood, Chris Brown continued to spill all the tea on his “friendship” with Rihanna, collaborating on her upcoming album “Unapologetic” and more. He spoke about Drake beef and squashes rumors that he and Jay Z exchanged words.

Early on in the interview Chris was asked if Rihanna and Karrueche were both drowning and he could only save one who would he pick.

Chris answered, “I swim so they’d both get on [a raft] and I’d swim to shore.”

When he was informed he could only save one Chris insisted, “I would bring both.”

Chris reveals he wrote four song’s on Rihanna “Unapologetic”. He says, “I haven’t written on any of Rihanna’s projects since “Disturbia”. That was like a number one single I did…a lot of people don’t know that [I wrote that]. I got a chance to really work with her on this album. I wrote maybe four of five joints.

On being tempted sexually in the studio with Rihanna Chris says, “It was a little difficult with the “Cake” record. “Cake” is like a sexual song and this was our first time being around each other for a period of time so it was difficult. You gotta make sure you have a lot of people around in the studio.”

On What Happened the Night Of His Bottle Throwing Fiasco With Drake At W.I.P NYC nightclub:

“The only reason I can’t talk about that is because I’m dealing with some legal stuff…We don’t talk about other guys we focus on the music”

He went on to say there wasn’t any physical contact between him and Drake but hinted he does box perhaps insinuating he would have kicked Drake’s ass. He also says, “You can’t promote that. What I try to focus on now is making sure the kids see me in a positive light. So whatever altercations you handle it as it comes. But I don’t walk around with a vendetta or a chip on my shoulder trying to look for somebody. That’s too easy…”

On Jay Z Having A Talk With Him Over Rihanna In A Hallway of His Barclay Concert:
Chris says, “With other artists you’ll hear thirty different rumors in a week and only one sticks. Everything you hear with me sticks. Everybody believes everything that somebody says so you don’t know what to pick from. So you say ‘oh everything’s true. We’re not gonna believe him. Everything they say is true’.”

Chris did go on to elaborate that Jay Z did approach him but it was in the midst of a group of people in a green room and that Jay Z cordially approached him and said hi but that there was no conflict.

Watch Chris’ interview with Power 106 in more detail below.

Chris On Saving Rihanna or Karrueche, Drake & Jay Z

Chris Talks Rihanna & Collaborations

He speaks on working with rapper Tyga on “Fan Of A Fan 2” mixtape.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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