College Football Star Danroy Henry Shot To Death By Cops


It some unfortunate news, 20 year old, Pace University student and  football player, Danroy Henry was gunned down early Sunday morning outside a local Easton, Massachusetts bar by three police officers. What was to be a celebration after an homecoming game, turned ugly when cops were called to the scene to diffuse the chaotic ruckus.

According to police, Henry who parked in a no parking zone sped off when approached by police, hitting two officers. However, the father of a passenger denies an officer was hit and claims Henry thought he was following police instructions.

A cell phone video from after the shooting appears to show an unruly crowd, with people screaming and someone trying to revive a person on the ground.

Senator Brown of Massachusetts is now probing for a thorough investigation of what took place that night.

“When the officer knocked on the window, he took off thinking they wanted him to move apparently,” said Sen. Brown. “We’re going to ask for an investigation, obviously a thorough investigation. You have a kid who’s a star football player for this area. A good kid. No record. Nothing. And to end his life under these circumstances, I think it’s important to get the facts and get them quickly.”

Henry’s teammates remember a friend who’s smile could brighten anyone’s day.

“Whenever you felt down he was the guy to look too. That smile will forever be in our minds, in our hearts, and our memories. I’m sure that I speak for everyone, when I say that’s how we want D.J. to be remembered a big smile,” Jonfrey Sanchez, a Pace University football player.


Enough is enough and something has to e done about this! The very people who are suppose to serve and protect the community are the ones committing the orrendous of crimes. why shoot first and ask questions later? This was obviously a case of misunderstanding between civilian and police couldn’t they have used a different approach.



About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. tee ellington on

    as i read about this young man my heart just dropped im still speechless understand my heart go out to each and every last one of his family and friends and to know there was young men there trying to help this will always be in my heart but also understand justice will be served love tee as i say a prayer

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