What?! Diddy Admits To Sharing Bed With Usher?



Well, isn’t this the funniest thing! During a Ustream of an event Kevin Hart hosted Diddy let it slip that he and Usher use to sleep in the same bed. Diddy had a little help, of course, in the form of a good old fashion honest juice called alcohol! Hilarious!

Diddy says to Kevin Hart, “Come over here, don’t sit on the bed or nothing – no homo, just, don’t get close to the bed – don’t get close. Don’t get close, but it’s just like, we wanna thank you for hosting the thing, man. It’s been a pleasure, ya didn’t have to do it, and you did it.”

Kevin Hart responds, “No, I definitely didn’t have to do it…I definitely didn’t have to. Um…first and foremost, I’m not getting in the bed… Um shouts out to him, and what he did…”

Usher walks in, then Diddy says: “That’s my brother right here, from day one we used to wake up, and — I mean, damn, pause. But, like check this out…”

Kevin Hart starts laughing, from apparent surprise…This as Puff comes back from his pause, rambling about “wrestling” with Usher:

“I mean, I mean…back in the days, when he was like ten and I was a little bit older, his older brother…we used to fight over the Frosted Flakes. Ya know what I’m saying, before pause was invented.

“Ya know what I’m saying, this is my brother for real. We used to actually wrestle off of the, off of the, Frosted Flakes. Because he used to always get up earlier than me, and now he’s one of the richest stars in the world – and I love him.”

Head over to Yazmar.com to continue reading and the actual video footage! Hilarious!


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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  1. Pingback: Diddy Admitted To Waking Up With Usher & Wrestling Over Frosted Flakes…LOL (VIDEO) | Diva Whispers

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