Donald Sterling Banned From NBA For Life



Clippers owner, Donald Sterling has just been banned from the NBA for life! After audio messages of his racist remarks against African American and Latinos were leaked over the weekend (See HERE), the 80 year old team owner has been under fire.

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said on Tuesday, “I will do everything in my power” to “force” Sterling to sell the Clippers.

Silver said that he spoke with several players, coaches and owners before making the decision on the ban and that he was “personally outraged” by the comments.

“I fully expect to get the support I need from the other NBA owners to remove him.” Silver said.

He also stated that Sterling admitted to making the racist comments during an investigation and that he’d do everything in his power to “force” Sterling to sell the team.

As for being banned, Sterling will not be allowed to attend any NBA games or practices ever again. He’s also banned from entering any team facilities.

Sterling was also fined $2.5 million for his remarks. The funds will be donated to charities with anti-discrimination and tolerance efforts.

Silver adds that the fine and ban will only pertain to Sterling and not his family members.

Silver also admits that he isn’t sure whether Sterling will fight the lifetime ban but has the full support of the NBA owners.


Also See: Extended Audio of Donald Sterling Racist Comments Released!


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

1 Comment

  1. Hollywoodhiccups on

    Good, Donald deserves what he gets; what he did was disgusting.

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