Drugs Found In Bobbi Kristina’s Home, She & Nick Gordon Not Married!



We expect to hear lots of disturbing reports in the days to come since Bobbi Kristina was found unresponsive in a bathtub in her Atlanta home. In less than 24 hours since news of progress in Brown’s medical state, we’ve now learned that drugs were found at her home.
According to Tattle Tailzz

Despite previously reports no drugs were found in Bobbi Kristina’s house, police did find drugs in Bobbi Kristina’s home during a second search conducted by Roswell police. Whitney Houston’s only child reportedly attempted suicide after fighting with her boyfriend, Nick Gordon, on Saturday. Gordon and a friend, Maxwell Lomas, 24, discovered Bobbi unconscious and under water upon returning to the house from running errands, and is reported that friends with Gordon may have stalled almost 20 minutes before calling 911 to try and hide or dispose of the drugs.

We’ve also learned that the 21 year old and her husband, Nick Gordon, were never officially married.

The site adds, “Nick Gordon and Bobbi Kristina were never legally married. Which explains why Bobbi’s aunt Pat Houston banned Gordon from visiting the hospital.”

Here’s a photo of the couple during happier times.

Bobbi Kristina & Boyfriend Nick  Gordon

The two sparked controversy back in 2012, following the death of Brown’s mother, when it was discovered that Gordon had been her adopted brother. We would later learn, however, that Houston had never filed any official documents to adopt Gordon in the first place.

It is no secret that Brown has dabbled with drugs before. In fact, her own parents, Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston had their own fair share of substance abuse issues.

These are some tragic turn of events and we wish Bobby Kristina all the best in her recovery.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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