Dwyane Wade’s Ex Wife, Siovaughn Funches, Spotted Homeless On Chicago Streets!


Siohvaughn_Wade-Homeless_Sign_Chicago_Streets_PhotoDwyane Wade and his ex-wife,  Siovaughn Funches, have had a rough battle after their divorce. Through it all, most of it has not appeared to hit mainstream America, until now.

Earlier today, pictures surfaced on Twitter of Siovaughn sitting outside of the Daly Center in Chicago. Holding a sign that mentioned that she was “on the streets,” it appears that Siovaughn is homeless.

Siohvaughn-Wade-Homeless_Sign_PhotoNow, we are not sure if this is true, especially since she was awarded $1 million dollars and $25,000 a month after her divorce. Wade now has full custody of their two boys, and honestly, as a mother, Siovaughn is going about this wrong. If her intention is to get her children back, sadly this act will not favor her. She looks to be irrational and this can be used against her. Hopefully this will not go any further and things can be worked out in an amicable way.

Photo Credits: Gumbumper


About Author

I am new to blogging...but let me tell you I have been writing since I was 5 years old. My mom still has the mini books that I made in Kindergarten. As a single mother of two boys and a full blown Gemini, my outlook on life has many ups and downs. Nothing frees me more than writing. My biggest prayer is that my words help someone who is going through rough times and makes them smile...or at least laugh a little.


  1. yazmar on

    Oh wow, this child has lost it

  2. Meiqua on

    that’s a mess!

  3. Twana Tells on

    Wow this is sad smh

  4. Gumbumper on

    I hope she gets it together.

  5. DivaWhispers on

    this has to be a joke or for attention

  6. NicolaGossips on

    On the streets, yet she hired someone to hold her sign? SMH

  7. Tonya on

    This is sooo silly. Where is her family? From previous stories written, she and her family supposedly helped him out when they were growing up. However after the divorce, it’s time to move on. If the judge ordered Dwayne to pay her money and he still owes her, then he should pay. After that court order he owes her nothing. Soihvaughn you need therapy and an ass whipping. Most American live off of $50,000 or less a year, she knows what it’s like to be poor and she wasn’t rich long enough to be a diva. She doesn’t want her children back that’s obvious by the way she’s misbehaving, Soihvaughn wants Dwayne back, he moved on with a very accomplished woman and she is mad about it, look for her reality show on BRAVO or TLC that focus on her struggles called “Being the ex-wife of a superstar.”

  8. Tonya you make so many valid points. She may still be scorned and yes I think a reality show may very well be in the works for her. It’s sad that the kids suffer though.

  9. Pingback: Siohvaughn Wade, Dwyane Wade’s Ex-Wife, Explains Reason For Pretending To Be Homeless (Video) | Cotten Kandi | Celebrity Entertainment News | Fashion | Lifestyle Site

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