Eddie Murphys Pulls Out From Oscar Hosting Duties


Eddie Murphy To Host The Oscars

Eddie Murphy is no longer hosting the 84th annual Academy Awards. His decision came shortly after friend and “Tower Heist” director Brett Ratner‘s own withdrawal to produce the award ceremony.

Ratner made controversial comments at a ‘Tower Heist’ screening last week when he used the phrase “rehearsings for fags” along with a few not so nice words about actresses Lindsay Lohan and Olivia Munn. His comments lead to a major upset in the gay/lesbian community forcing the producer to relieve himself of his duties. Murphy then decided if Ratner’s out, so is no he. In a letter to the Academy Eddie wrote,

“First and foremost I want to say that I completely understand and support each party’s decision with regard to a change of producers for this year’s Academy Awards ceremony,” Murphy said in a statement sent out by the academy. “I was truly looking forward to being a part of the show that our production team and writers were just starting to develop, but I’m sure that the new production team and host will do an equally great job.” 

In his own statement, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences President Tom Sherak said, “I appreciate how Eddie feels about losing his creative partner, Brett Ratner, and we all wish him well.”

The show must go on though. The Oscars will go live Sunday, February 26, 2012. Just one problem, who’ll be its host?

I’m very disappointed to say the least. I was really looking forward to watching Eddie host. I think he would have done a great job.
What are your thoughts, should Eddie have still continued on as host of the show?


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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