Evelyn Lozada Releases Official Statement On Domestic Violence Case



Earlier today Mrs. Chad Johnson, Evelyn Lozada, released her official statement regarding the domestic violence case brought against her husband for head-butting her Saturday evening.

It is with great sadness and much trepidation that I release this statement addressing the domestic violence incident that happened this past Saturday. I am deeply disappointed that Chad has failed to take responsibility for his actions and made false accusations against me, it is my sincere hope that he seeks the help he needs to overcome his troubles. Domestic violence is not okay and hopefully my taking a stand will help encourage other women to break their silence as well. I’m grateful to my family, friends and fans for the outpouring of support during this difficult time.

Now check out what ESPN’s Skipp Bayless and Stephen A. Smith had to say.

I strongly agree with all Skip Bayless had to say! Yes!

My conclusion, Evelyn Lozada is a hypocrite! For reference please note her VH1 reality show where she’s thrown punches, thrown bottles and shoved someone in the head with her purse when she felt disrespected.

If she’s anything in her personal life what she’s depicted on television she possibly retaliated. Not making any excuses for Mr. Johnson but in that statement how about noting “We need help”. If this is the man she plans to stay married to it has to be a JOINT work in progress and joint counseling. That statement was disappointing.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. Pingback: Cotten Kandi | It's Not Just Entertainment It's A Lifestyle, "Treat Your Sweet Tooth… " ™ » Blog Archive » Evelyn Lozada Files For Divorce, Chad Issues Apology

  2. Cupcakes on

    Thank you for this post. I totally agree with EVERYTHING Stephen just said. Somebody had to say it… it needed to be said.

  3. And thanks for commenting. He did make some valid points!

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