Expectant Mom To Be, Beyonce’s Exclusive Interview With 20/20


In a pre-taped interview with ABC’s 20/20, Beyonce spoke with news anchor Katie Couric about the many baby rumors circulating the internet, including those fake bump rumors, her protective mom, her husband, Jay Z‘s, excitement, the best part of being pregnant and her intimate concerts at Roseland ballroom in New York City.

Beyonce Speaks Baby With Katie Couric 2

If you missed it, the interview aired late Friday night and here’s a bit of recap.

After Greeting Katie Rubs Beyonce’s Stomach And Bey Touches Her Hand. Katie then asked if it was okay.

Bey: “It’s Okay….”

When Asked If She Gets Belly Rubs All The Time
“Not as crazy as you’d think, It’s been fine. (But not excluding her family of course), I can’t walk. I have someone holding and hugging. It’s gonna be so much love around the baby. It’s great.”

On Announcing Her Pregnancy During The VMA’s:
“News that’s that big its hard to hide and keep to yourself. I felt so liberated and I felt like I can breathe and be happy. It was a beautiful feeling and I went straight off the stage and just cried. I hugged my mom, I hugged Jay and just cried.”

On Getting Back In Shape & Her Rumored Food Cravings:
“I’m not looking forward to that (getting in shape) because I’ve been having a good time.”

“I’ve read that I like ketchup on everything….(it’s not true). I was on a plane and the flight attendant came and was like, ‘I’ve got your hot sauce and pickles and bananas,’ and I’m like that is absolutely disgusting what are you doing? He’s like ‘I read it on the internet,’ (laughs).

Beyonce Speaks Baby With Katie Couric

On The Fake Baby Bump Rumors:
“There are certain things that are so far [out there] that it doesn’t even upset you. My mother, she’s like, ‘Nobody’s talking about my grandbaby! My grandbaby’s not even here yet!’ I’m like, Calm down, Mom, it’s okay! It’s really silly. (mimicking her mother she says), ‘I don’t like it!’ I’m like calm down. So my mom is really protective and so is my sister, but I’m cool. It’s so ridiculous and over the top.”

On Whether She Has A Preference In The Baby’s Sex: (Although Kelly Rowland Slipped Up Calling It A She)
“I don’t care. I’m like everyone else and now I know why people say that. I just want a healthy baby.”

On Jay-Z’s Excitement About The Baby:
“You can only imagine — and then multiply that. It’s like the time can’t come fast enough. But I’m still anxious. I want to hold the baby.”

On The Best Part of Being Pregnant:
The best thing is knowing that my favorite person in the world, I haven’t met them yet. And hopefully I’m gonna pass on what generations of my family have passed on to me. It’s exciting.

Watch The Interview Below

(Photos: Ida Mae Astute/ABC News)

About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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