Sexy Mugshot of Felon Jeremy Meeks Attracts Thousands of Admirers



Jeremy Meeks may be a convicted felon but he’s got thousands of women swooning over him following the release of his hot mugshot.

Jeremy Meeks’ chiseled, baby-blue-eyed mugshot has stolen the wind from Stockton police officers’ recent gun sting after its posting on Facebook which has, as of Thursday evening, drawn more than 5,000 ogling comments, 1,000 shares and 20,000 ‘likes.’

Oh, he’s guilty, all right — of taking thousands of women’s breath away.

Behind Jeremy Meeks’ “blue steel” gaze into the lens — one perhaps better spent on a modeling career than a criminal one — the 30-year-old convict
One of four firearms taken in Stockton police officer’s gun sting is pictured, leading to felony weapon charges against the men involved.

Three other men are pending conviction in the crime. Unfortunately for the men, their mugshots, while they did garner some attention, didn’t make the final cut for best mugshots of the year.

Meeks’ bail is set at $900,000.

Yeah…so we’ve got to do better! Lol

I admit he’s handsome but are we really ogling after a felon here?



About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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