Fight Breaks Out At The Jackson Family Estate



What is going on with the Jackson family? Over the weekend matriarch of the family, Katherine Jackson, was reported as missing only to be reported as on vacation one day later. And now another scandal has been reported. Late Monday afternoon L.A. County Sheriff’s Deputies were called to the Jackson family home in Calabasas and took a battery report after family members reported a disturbance, reports TMZ.

Deputy Steve Whitmore tells TMZ … Lost Hills deputies from the Sheriff’s Dept. showed up at the compound and someone inside accused someone else present of a physical assault.

For now we’re not sure just who assaulted whom and who reported the incident, but, we do knowm no arrests were made.

Whitmore tell TMZ … Lost Hills Sheriff’s deputies have been on the Jackson case since April, when a business associate of the Jackson family alleged that Katherine Jackson was being emotionally and financially mistreated by family members.

At the time, deputies interviewed Katherine who denied she was being mistreated, but we’re told the Sheriffs are still on the case and are interviewing other family members to determine if there is possible financial abuse.

It was also reported by that once police arrived at the residence, Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson also arrived along with a television crew in tow, and tried to remove 15-year-old Prince, 14-year-old Paris and 10-year-old Blanket from the house; Michael’s three kids.

Michael’s only daughter Paris Jackson has been very vocal on Twitter about her frustration over not knowing her grandmother’s whereabouts. She tweeted an hour ago, “8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn’t like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3″

One of Paris’ cousins TJ Jackson ‏also tweeted,”@ParisJackson I know it’s completely unfair for them to do this to you and your brothers. We will keep trying. I love you.”

But why in the world can’t the kids at least speak with their grandmother? Given she’s well enough to speak, of course.

We’ve heard many times before the Jacksons are not the typical family. They may even be referred to as crazy but this is just too much now! Children are involved. And if not for yourselves please make peace for them! This is getting weirder by the minute.



About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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