Frank Ocean Wants To Press Charges Against Chris Brown



Frank Ocean wants to file charges against Chris Brown following their fight in a parking lot outside a LA recording studio. Can this get more lame?

As we reported on Monday, the two singers got involved in a brawl over a parking space and now Ocean is looking into pressing charges. Although reports suggest he started the whole ordeal, Brown fled the scene before cops arrived and Ocean is claiming he was attacked and cut his finger.

He even tweeted, “”got jumped by chris and a couple guys. lol. i only wish everest [his dog] was there…cut my finger now I can’t play w two hands at the grammys.”
Following the incident.

The dilemma? Chris Brown is still on probation stemming from his 2009 assault on girlfriend Rihanna. If Ocean follows through with the charges and he’s convicted Brown may actually go to jail.

And this isn’t the first time he’s had a violent altercation with another artist. On June 14, 2012 Brown and rapper Drake had a bottle throwing brawl in New York City’s W.I.P nightclub. The altercation was reportedly started over comments made by Drake about Chris’, presumably, on-again girlfriend Rihanna. Following an investigation both artists were eventually cleared of all charges.

Now, we all know Chris isn’t the brightest star when it comes to avoiding trouble but pressing charges over a fight you started Frank is just wrong!

We hope this all gets settled and preferably outside a courtroom.

How do you feel about Frank playing victim over an altercation he might have started. We’d love your thoughts.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. Yazmar on

    Chris stay in some mess…

  2. Sarah on

    I’m Team Breezy, never thought I’d say that.

    Frank Ocean is exposing himself as an effing asshole – I don’t believe he wants to press charges. I do think that he was the one who instigated the drama (according to reports).

  3. Pingback: Chris Brown Facing Another Assault Case? Woman Accuses Singer Of Shoving Her | Cotten Kandi | Celebrity Entertainment News | Fashion | Lifestyle Site

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