George Zimmerman Officially Charged With Second Degree Murder


George Zimmerman Mugshot

George Zimmerman has been charged with second degree murder in the Trayvon Martin murder case.

It was 45 days in the making but Trayvon Martin’s family may finally see some justice. The Florida neighborhood watchman was taken into custody late Wednesday afternoon after going missing for nearly 3 days, which resulted in his legal team dropping the case.

Zimmerman, who actually turned himself in and has since found new representation is currently sitting in Florida county jail. The question on everyone’s mind now is, is Zimmerman receiving leniency with a second degree murder charge? Some would say that’s quite possible, and on the other hand, many remain conflicted. Was this a case of self defense, poor judgement on Zimmerman’s part or blatant racial profiling? The answer is, we may never really know.

Trayvon Martin’s mother however may be willing to show Zimmerman some compassion. “I would probably give him a chance to apologize,” Sybrina Fulton told the Associated Press in an interview. “I would probably ask him if there were any other way that he could have settled the confrontation that he had with Trayvon, other than the way it ended, with Trayvon being shot.” And during a news conference in Washington on Wednesday, she added, “We simply wanted an arrest. We wanted an arrest and we got it.”

She has also expressed in a ‘Today Show’ interview that she believes the shooting may have been an “accident”.

Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin, also gave his input during the press conference stating he’d want to ask Zimmerman about what led up to his alteration with his son resulting in his fatal shooting and death but would ultimately want to know, “Was it really worth it?”

At the moment that’s probably the very question Zimmerman is asking himself as he sits in protective custody at the Seminole County Jail in Sanford, FL.

He is scheduled for a bond hearing Thursday, April 12, 2012, at approximately 1:30 pm.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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