Giuliana And Bill Debuts Baby Edward On Life & Style Mag



For the first time, Giuliana and Bill Rancic are sharing some first photos of their little bundle of joy, baby Edward Duke.

“I had always heard that when you have a baby it completes your life — and it’s true,” Giuliana tells Life & Style. “I love my baby, and I love my new role.”

“Every day he’s changing — it’s just remarkable to see,” Bill, 41, tells Life & Style. “[He’s] got Giuliana’s dimples!”

On how they chose his name Giuliana says, “Edward is Bill’s late dad’s name and my dad’s name. It was a way to honor them. And Duke means leader.”

Dad Bill gushes over his new born son and Giuliana’s maternal instincts. He says, “It’s amazing how maternal instincts have taken over, and Giuliana’s just supermom. It literally brought tears to my eyes the other day watching her with Duke.”

“I’d never changed more than a diaper or two in my life,” Bill continues. “Now it’s like the littlest things that make me happy — happier than I’ve ever been.”

It’s no secret the couple struggled to conceive these last several years. And with Giuliana’s own health scare with a breast cancer diagnosis and a Mastectomy last December the birth of their son is nothing short of a miracle.

“I couldn’t believe that all those years of struggling and the tears actually paid off,” Giuliana admits. “Every shot, every doctor’s visit — in the end, when you’re holding your baby in your arms, you forget it all, and it’s worth it.”

The last issue of Life & Style magazine, with all the exclusive photos of the couple and their son, is available on news stands now.

(Photo/Source: Life & Style Mag)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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