Happy 28th Birthday Amy Winehouse


Amy Winehouse Did Not Die Of Drug Overdose

Today would have been the 28th birthday of the late Amy Winehouse. Unfortunately, the soulful singer passed away this past July of causes still unknown to many.

Although the singer was a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, a toxicology report shortly after her death revealed she did not die from her addiction. However, alcohol was detected in her body.

In recent weeks, Amy’s father, Mitch Winehouse, has done a number of interviews revealing that he believes Amy died from a seizure brought on by ‘excess detox’ of alcohol and drugs.  He states, she had been advised by doctors to come off the drugs casually. None of Mitch’s claims has been confirmed however.

But there is good news for Winehouse fans. Before the singer’s untimely death, she had been working on a third album, a follow up from 2006 ‘Back To Black’, that is believed to be released later this year. Until then, here’s “Body & Soul”. The song, one of Amy’s last recorded singles, is a collaboration with musical legend Tony Bennett.

(Photo: Zimbio)

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Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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