Tiny has just unveiled a new business venture she wants help in naming. The singer turn reality television star and talk show host, and T.I.’s other half of course, is creating her very own tequila. Tiny has been hinting at the big reveal for several days now and it’s finally here.
Upon sharing the big news she wrote the following message, “My BIG announcement is… I am launching a NEW line of Tequilas! Pour It Up! Pour It Up! I am super excited to launch my own liquor, but I wanted to share this experience with my fans and give YOU an opportunity to be apart of this process.”
“I am hosting Tiny’s Name My Tequila Contest and need your help naming the new line of fun and flavorful tequilas,” she continued. “Please submit a name for my new tequila at www.TinysTequila.com (link in bio) between now and February 18, 2014 at 5:00pm for a chance to win! If you are the selected participant, you will receive a special edition case of my new tequila before it hits stores and you will be my special guest at the Launch Event!!!! Your input matters to me and I can’t wait to see your submissions. Remember you must be 21 and over to participate. #NameTinysTequila #Tiny #PrettyHustle #Tequila #Contests.”
Check out the video announcement below for more details.
Got a name you think Tiny will like? Head over to TinysTequila.com to give in your submission.
(Photo: TinysTequila.com)
good luck with this
I think u should name it TNT for Tiny & Tip
As soon as I started reading thing and soon as your face and tequila popped in my head I thought of the name “internal glitter” aka IG meaning: your drinking it internally and something bright shines out haha corny but cute n sounds extra sexy at the same time I’m sure it would sound pretty rolling off tha tongue lol I’m thinking a light pink in color clear bottle glitter top fancy lettering with a diamond rhinestone in front of it
hope u pick me smooches *sachae*
You should Queen hustle …im just saying you are married to the king snd yall are both on your hustle….
This is a GREAT opportunity to give your FANS…i have bn a fan of yours for YEARS…NOW to the names lol…Tinys peach (since ur from the A) lol tinys tequila, tasty tequila,triple TTT (taste the tequila), tasteful treat tequila (youll never know what flavor youll taste)
Maybe you should name it A1 hustle. ..I think since hustle has been apart of being a harris that its only rught for it to be part of the name
I also like stunning for the nsme
I think you should name it ” Mysterious ” & have us figure out what the flavor is … Also, you could name it ” Classyc ” bc no one else has it.
Harris family hustle, X-quila, internal love, delightful treat, vanishing love, Tiquila, genie in a bottle ( make u feel magic) miraculous love, tenacious Ti tequila, taquila (tameka+tequila)
How about Pleased , TT Tiny’s taste or Classy some thing that not only sound good but resembles you
chateauila (chateau+tequila)
Pequeño y dolce (tiny and sweet in Spanish)
Aliuqet (tequila reversed)
Hello Tiny, how are you doing?
I think the name of your tequila should be:: Tiny’s Tasty Tequila aka “Triple T”…..
Just a thought, hope you like it. Have a Good Day.
Sexy…or luscious. ..or WET!!!!
I think it should be named A.Ti.L Tequila for the fact you and tip are from Atlanta and have Ti in your names. It has swag to it.
Pink crown
Tiny Passion♥
drink sounds good already
Hi lady, I think it should be XsQuisite. Good luck with your search.
Pink plezer
Tinys tasty twang
Down south swag
Pink glacier
Well Tiny since the bottle appears to be pink I thought “Pink T” was a good name…like a play on words like green tea but not…lol…the “T” could be for tequila or for Tiny…you could have coconut Pink T or raspberry Pink T & so forth…hope you like it but good luck either way & btw if I were to win I’d love to hang out at your launch party!
Major TIPsy,
Major luv
You should go with something move and simple and also with a little Spanish twist to the name since it is tequila. With that being said maybe “mayor tequila” mayor meaning major or “Magnifico” meaning grand!! Good luck:)
I’m not to good at thinking about names but I’m always up for a challenge I look at the bottle and think girly but it’s more to it you have to bring it out and make the name you pick feel something to you ever time a lady want to sip she feels like everything is gone no worries sooo why not (pink paridise) a little drop of heaven I’m just saying
I am thinking it should be
named Tiny’s Taste
Pink Passion
#NameTinysTequila #Tiny #PrettyHustle #Tequila #Contests #BottomsUp #CongratsTiny
Tiny Shimmer
Pink Shimmer
Pink Potion
Tiny’s Love Spell
Pink Royal
Pink Hustle…
Hope I Get A Chance To Hang Out With You!! Luv Ya Tiny!!!
Pretty Tipsy
(Tequila) keep it sample
I think you should name it Squelia Tequlia Or Hustelia Tequila.
Tiny straight up I tink the name should be” tiny’$ time to turnup tequila” or” tenacity tnt” n my last idea would be ##starmellow giantz!!! #
Starmellow giantz tiny$ time to turnup… tenacity tnt
I think thug passion
Panty Drop
Top notch tequila, Top shelf tequila, Tipsy time, turnt up tequila, bombshell tequila, boss life tequila, trouble time tequila, smooth taste tequila, party time tequila, top quality tequila, tinys tasty tequila, tinys teriffic tequila, TNT the bomb,
Grand union, anomaly, driven, two crowns, celebrity, boss tequila, Georgia select,
Day one, love, touch, endure, sapphire,
Tiny’s Tasty Tease Tequila… leaves you tickled pink!
Three T’s = Tiny’s Tequila Tonite
Tiny I think your tequila line should be name 100% Bad Boss Tequila wit a crown on each cap letter even the with 100% wit a crown on it as well because you’re one bossy ass bad ass chick. I Love You you a strong Wong stand behind her family no matter what life brings you.
ButterFly Effect
ButterFly Effect
Ti’ Amore
PREFERIR (perfer) in spanish
It should simply be name “T”