Hilarious: Mugger Tries To Rob Man But Gets Beat Up!


Mugger Gets Beat Up

This story has certainly been the highlight of my morning!

Over the weekend, A mugger, Anthony Miranda, attempted to rob a man in one on Chicago’s Southwest side neighborhoods and ended up getting the beating of his life.

The man he attempted to rob was actually an ultimate fighter and martial arts expert.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Anthony Miranda approached a parked vehicle near 55th Street and Kenneth Avenue Friday night and asked the driver for a lighter before pointing a handgun at the man and demanding money. After the driver handed over some cash, Miranda reportedly ordered him out of the car — which was apparently a mistake.

Chicago Police Officer John Mirabelli told the Sun-Times what happened next:

At some point, Miranda’s attention was diverted and the victim was able to grab control of the gun and the two wrestled.

During the fight, Miranda accidentally discharged his gun, shooting himself in the ankle, Mirabelli said.

The victim was then able to pin down Miranda until police arrived, Fox Chicago reports. He told officers he was a martial arts expert and ultimate fighting champion. Miranda was taken to Holy Cross Hospital with a “face full of lacerations,” two black eyes and a gunshot wound.

Miranda, 24, was charged with armed robbery and aggravated discharge of a firearm. He was ordered held on $350,000 bond Sunday, according to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office.

Source: Huffington Post

About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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