Could This Be Incest?! Bobbi Kristina And “Adopted-Brother” Nick Gordon Kissing!



Bobbi Kristina and “adopted brother” Nick Gordon have been flaunting their relationship around a lot lately. Although the two denied they had been dating earlier this year, it seems, they’re doing just that….and more.

The above photo, tweeted by Bobbi Kris, are of the two kissing for the world to see. And, check out that diamond ring! Could an engagement announcement be on the horizon? The photo was accompanied by this message, “1 of the main reasons why i even smile today.:) iloveyoubooboo , forever&always. “it’s just US now”..@Nickdgordon {<3}.”

On Aug. 8, Bobbi’s mother and the late Whitney Houston’s 49th birthday, the pair got matching tattoos on their wrists of Houston’s initials and four doves.


Along with the photo Bobbi Kristina tweeted, “Tat tat tatted YURP.. 😉 now your truly ALWAYS with us mommy (: we love you @nickdgordon always&forever{<3}.”

My question to you all is, “Is this incest?”

Back in March when reports of a budding relationship began, a source close to the Houston family told that Gordon was never legally adopted by the singer nor was he left anything in her will. In fact, Bobbi Kristina is the sole heir to the singer’s estate, an inheritance that won’t set into effect until she’s 30.

I suppose that rules out Nick pursuing Bobbi Kris to get to her riches then huh?

My opinion, I don’t believe this is incest. In fact, I’ve known families who’ve taken in another child but never legally adopt them but instead wanted to be of assistance. Perhaps, Nick’s family wasn’t able to provide as they should have. And, perhaps, Bobbi and Nick never had a brother-sister relationship regardless of the circumstance.

Bobbi Kristina is currently filming a reality series, “The Houston Family Chronicles”, to debut on Lifetime in September. Perhaps the romance will be documented as well. Will you be watching?

And what are your thoughts on the matter?


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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