It’s Our Birthday!!!!


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Yay!!!! It’s Cotten Kandi‘s 3rd birthday today!

Thank you to everyone who’s logged on since day 1, continuing to help us grow and choosing us as your source of  entertainment!  As promised last year, we’ve upgraded from our former blogger platform, gotten an official web design and our own web host. There are new developments in the works and things will only get better from here, we promise! As always, please continue to “treat your sweet tooth…” in all things entertainment! Thank you!

Guess who else’s birthday it is today?!

Chris Brown Birthday

It’s Chris Brown‘s 22nd birthday!

Unfortunately Breezy’s been sick lately, but has been keeping us updated via twitter. Hope your enjoying today Breezy!


It’s also Cinco de Mayo!!! On this day in 1862, the Mexican army defeated the French force (in what was considered an unlikely victory) in the Battle of Puebla in Puebla, Mexico.Happy Cinco De Mayo

Funny enough Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico’s Independence Day which is celebrated in September. It is only a civic holiday celebrated primarily in Puebla, Mexico and the United States. The day commemorates the battle between the French and Mexican army and the Mexican heritage and pride. Mexican’s living in California during the American Civil War is credited for creating the holiday. I guess any excuse to have a drink is always welcomed. “Here’s to the freaking weekend, drink to that!”


*From the publisher*:

Thanks to you, I enjoy providing an outlet to help lighten up your day if only for a little bit. If it weren’t for the people who continue to visit this site, on a daily basis, I probably would have quit a long time ago! Because the site has grown and continues to grow I am more inclined (motivated) to keep going. For better content, I welcome your comments, questions and even your criticisms. I will continue to give you the topics you love to read and hope you’ll continue to allow me to provide it for you. I thank you, thank you, thank you!! And Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!! I will certainly be having a drink! Cheers.

– Antoinette

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About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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