Jennifer Hudson Postpones Wedding?


Jennifer Hudson & Fiance David Otunga Arrive At AGrammy Awards

Rumor has it, Jennifer Hudson has postponed her “longoverdue” wedding to fiance David Otunga. Why you may ask? Allegedly, David is unwilling to sign a prenuptial agreement.

According to BMS, David refuses to sign a pre-nup and that’s  what’s causing the hold up. The pre-nup would ensure that regardless of how the marriage turns out, J-Hud’s earnings and assets would be safe in any divorce proceedings that may arise.

However, it’s not clear what David is actually objecting to. It’s only fair that her assets prior to the marriage be protected, right? However let’s not forget, prior to his wrestling career Otunga studied law at Harvard University. Perhaps, he knows something we don’t.

What are your thoughts?

The couple, engaged since 2008, have  2 year old son together, David Jr. Let’s hope these two work it out.

(Photo: Zimbio)

About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


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  2. Pingback: Cotten Kandi | It's Not Just Entertainment It's A Lifestyle, "Treat Your Sweet Tooth… " ™ » Blog Archive » Jennifer Hudson & Fiance David Otunga Call Off Engagement!

  3. Jennie on

    If it is true and he doesn’t want to sign a pre-nup, she should call the wedding off. I have always looked at this guy as lazy and a publicity hungry whore. He has an Ivy league education, is an attorney, but wrestles. WTF. He has been trying to be a ‘star’ since being on that piece of trash show “I love New York”. Double WTF. He needs to get a job and make his own money.

  4. Lol. We’ll see what happens in the next few months. There are reports they’re still planning on getting married but only time will tell for sure!

  5. Pingback: Cotten Kandi | It's Not Just Entertainment It's A Lifestyle, "Treat Your Sweet Tooth… " ™ » Blog Archive » Jennifer Hudson Says Visiting Fiance Saved Her Life From The Man Who Murdered Her Family

  6. Pingback: Cotten Kandi | It's Not Just Entertainment It's A Lifestyle, "Treat Your Sweet Tooth… " ™ » Blog Archive » So Much For Those Break Up Rumors: Jennifer Hudson & Fiance Spotted Together

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