Jersey Shore’s Snooki Makes A Weight Loss Transformation!


OMG! Have you seen the new Snooki?

Jersey Shore Snooki

The ‘Jersey Shore’ star has dropped a number of pounds and she looks phenomenal!

I’m not sure what her secret it but something tells me Snooki will break out from the bunch and get her own reality show!

Jersey Shore Snookie weight lost

Jersey Shore Snookie weight lost 4

Jersey Shore Snookie weight lost 3


Jersey Shore Snookie weight lost 2

She looks good right?!

*Update: I must have missed this! Didn’t know that as I was typing this MTV has already given Snooki and two other ‘Jersey Shore’ cast mates the greenlight for a spinoff! Hahaha….. yes, Snooki will definitely be getting her own show. Pauly D and JWOWW will get a show of their own as well! Check the deets…. CLICK!*


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. She posts pics of herself with bottles of Zantrex 3 on the dresser… same stuff Dustin Diamond got busted for on celebrity fit club… same stuff Britney Spears dropped in the Heathrow Airport … Now snooki looks amazing… Water is her best friend? my ass, Only when she uses it to swallow Zantrex 3

  2. Didn’t realize she took any pills to help! Guess that’s why she lost so much weight so fast. I bet another book is in the works on how she lost weight the “old fashion” way.

  3. Pingback: diet

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