Justin Timberlake’s New Music Countdown Begins


Ladies, get ready. Justin Timberlake is making a return to music! Well, almost. Today on Twitter, Justin tweeted : To whom it may concern…I think I’M READY!

Following is a link that takes you to a video of Justin walking through a building while he is talking. He is discussing his musical journey and how hard it is on him to have only done two albums in two years. He says that he is “obsessive about it and he doesn’t want to put something out that he doesn’t love.” The one minute video ends with Justin standing in front of a mic, inside of a studio, saying, “I’m ready.” And it then goes to a timer that is counting down. The countdown begins! The internet of course is going crazy because as Justin stated he has not put out a CD in years. We have fallen in love with his acting and comedic ability but now it’s time to get back to his original passion. I can understand where he is coming from when he says that he can’t just put out music unless he absolutely feels it. It’s the same thing as a writer. Maybe his newly married life has given him some things to write about. No matter what. We cannot wait!

Here is the video of “The Countdown.”

(Photo: Zimbio.com)

Check out more from Jeanine Nicole at www.justjeaninenicole.com


About Author

I am new to blogging...but let me tell you I have been writing since I was 5 years old. My mom still has the mini books that I made in Kindergarten. As a single mother of two boys and a full blown Gemini, my outlook on life has many ups and downs. Nothing frees me more than writing. My biggest prayer is that my words help someone who is going through rough times and makes them smile...or at least laugh a little.


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