Kanye Blogs "I Never Said I Was The Next King Of Pop"


Kanye took to his blog to clear up a report that had the rapper claiming to be the next ‘King Of Pop’ earlier this week . Here’s what he said.

“I was just listening to Wendy Williams’ [radio show] and heard some quote about me saying I’m the new King of Pop,” he wrote. “Not only did I not say that, I haven’t said anything. It makes me feel bad that obviously I made people feel that I would be corny enough to say something so whack after the passing of an idol, a legend and, more than that, a human being with feelings and family.

“It scares me to think what people will believe, without even a source,” he continued. “Any random person can type something on the internet and then the world believes it. I don’t talk to press or do TV or do promotions of any sort. I’ve stopped chasing and buying into fame. Fame is like cigarettes with no surgeon general warning. It destroys most people as it did to the true and only King of Pop. We exploit ourselves and eat our own egos ’till there is nothing left. I have a feeling that this won’t be the last false statement with my name on it, but this will be the last time I defend myself. I’m done.

I’m actually glad he took time to clear this rumor up. I was originally annoyed and frustrated to think he would have the nerve to make such a claim.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

1 Comment

  1. Keith on

    I'm glad he cleared this up. He seems to have a big ego as it is, but I couldn't imagine even him making this claim.

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