Keyshia Cole Exposes Estranged Husband Daniel Gibson For Continued Cheating



Although it seemed estranged couple, Keyshia Cole and Daniel Gibson, would reconcile their differences and get back together, that may not be the case after all.

Cole exposed her husband, Sunday morning, for attempting to continue his infidelities when she screenshot messages from Gibson to another woman.


The singer shared the above screenshot of text messages sent by Gibson to a woman he had on set of a recent video shoot.

The woman, whose identity and responses were kept private, seemingly, revealed the messages to the singer.
The messages are as follows…

Just give me a small chance… It’s an energy in you I like. Just keep it tight for me.

At least tell me we can be cool

I want you like now.

I need you around. Keysh just Tryna intimidate you.


And here’s the full caption of the image shared by Cole, “I guess the starting over as “Friends” thing doesn’t work. … how could u invite me to a video shoot but, your trying to mess with the “Love interest” while your “Wife” #IsThere! #BasketBallPlayerTurnedRapper #KindOfShitTheyDo #PointOfInvite? #ThankGodIWasSmartAboutIt #ManUp #WhenUSayUWannaSaveUrFam #ButUReallyDont #WhatWouldUHaveDone? #Bogus

The singer also shared a second photo of her young son with Gibson again adding, “@Daniel_Gibsonjr is all that matters. Everything is not for everybody. Gib is a Great father. I’m just ready to put this all behind me/Begin my healing process for once Nd for all.”


It was just earlier in the week when we reported the couple, who’ve been separated since late 2013, were now trying to work out their differences (Read HERE).

As for what caused their split? Well, the ballers infidelities of course.

We wish the couple well and hope they’ll continue to co-parent amicably for the sake of their son.

Also Read:
Daniel Gibson (Booby) Reveals He Ruined His Marriage


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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