Kim Kardashian Having Second Thoughts? Rushes To Kris Humphries Side


Kim K Rushes To Minnesota To Speak To Ex Kris HumphriesKim Kardashian may be having second thoughts about her divorce proceedings.According to TMZ, Kim was spotted at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport at approximately 5:30pm on Sunday.

Since the divorce announcement heard around the world one week ago, Kris Humphries has been laying low in his home state of Minnesota. Perhaps, to get away from being followed and harrassed by the prying eyes of the papparazzi in LA, where Kim is from.

Also according to the news media, a close friend of  Kim’s says she is having doubts about her decision to separate and booked the flight last minute to talk things through with Kris face-to-face. She believes she owes him that much.

As for who gets to keep the 20.5 ring? Because of a divorce clause, Kim will have to pay Kris to keep the massive rock. It’s believe the ring set Kris back a whopping 2.1 million. No word on just how much Kim will have to pay though.

Either she needed closure or she thinks the relationship can be salvaged. Stay tune this may get good.


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)

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