Kimora Lee Simmons Spotted In California Without Makeup


Earlier today Kimora Lee Simmons was enjoying her day at a California nail salon when, as she was leaving, paparazzi cameras began flashing. After she realized she had been spotted, Simmons bolted to her car and made a fast exit out of there. Why? The typically glamorous beauty was makeup-less.




Normally we wouldn’t care to see a celebrity with or without makeup but her fast exit is telling. She doesn’t look to happy does she? Hmmm…we wouldn’t be either.

(Photo: FameFlynet Pictures)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. T-Baby on

    She needs makeup. wow…rough

  2. Anthony on

    Talk about a walking ghost. It really does show to go that when looking at some females with cakes of make-up, there is something that is being hiddent, and that is, natural beauty that is not beautiful.

  3. Pingback: Morning Links: Michael Lohan Welcomes Son With Kate Major | Girls Talkin Smack - Celebrity Gossip Blog, TV, Fashion, Pop Culture & Movies

  4. Kia on

    she looks better without make up

  5. Wow she needs some makeup right now. She’s def not a natural beauty.

  6. She looks cute, I aint even mad at her for just looking “normal” Ha

  7. She looks just like what you would see in Saint Louis….simple!

  8. Pingback: Trending Topics | Look Bitch

  9. You know what she actually don’t look that bad. I’m just saying I’ve seen celebrities who look worse than she does without makeup… It looks like she has really great skin

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