Lebron James Gets No Love In The Club



Mr. MVP himself, Lebron James, got no love in a Dallas nightclub recently when he was asked to host a party in honor of Jerry Brown. Brown is the Dallas Cowboy linebacker who lost his life when teammate Josh Brent drove while intoxicated following a night out. James was the only passenger in the vehicle.

DivaWhispers.com reports, “Miami Heats MVP Lebron James hosted his party at Club Zouk in Dallas, TX for his ‘Celebrating the Life of Dallas Cowboy Jerry Brown’and less than a hundred people showed up. I will say that the weather could have played a last minute part in it but if you spent money on a ticket the rain will not stop you. The Heat plays Dallas today at the American Airlines Center. I don’t think there’s any love for the Miami Heat.

Zouk is a huge club and sometimes it doesn’t draw the large crowd it anticipates but I’ve been there when T.I., Drake, R. Kelly, and Snoop and it was super packed. I also thought well it was a Wednesday night but I know Dallas parties during the week too. Whatever the reason was it had to leave Lebron feeling a certain type of way about Dallas.

Oh, but I will tell you who was there. Out of the one hundred people 75 were young ladies eagerly waiting to get into the VIP to hang with him. Most would call these ladies Boppers because you never see them until a star athlete or major celebrity come through but i’ll just call them determined young women. Lebron chilled in the VIP with his crew and a few ladies that managed to get past his security.

Read more about Lebron’s poor turnout and photos of the event when you head over to DivaWhispers.com.

(Photo:Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)


About Author

Toni, is the Founder of By Her Own Rules. She's a content curator and full-time digital strategist who enjoys writing lifestyle content that inspires women, especially women of color. Follow Her: @iammstoni (Instagram) @i_am_mstoni (Twitter)


  1. there really wasn’t even a 100 people..i just gave him that…smh lol

  2. Too funny! And to think because it was for a good cause. Smh.

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